Sunday 18 November 2012

When and how to say no to Kittens

Jasper like all the kittens finds things and turns them into toys. In this case a pencil. I always try to keep an eye on what they do just to make sure that first of all they are not palaying with something that could harm them and secondly to make sure it is something I do not mind them playing with. That is something that they will not damage no matter what they do or something that I do not mind if they do damage it.

If it is something they they should not play with I just take it away from them and put it away or out of reach. No shouting, no smacking or any negative reaction just a simple no and remove from them.
In this case I decided that it was ok. I was just worried at first that he was chewing the lead and might break it.

Monday 9 July 2012

This is a state that my desk often ended up in with four kittens making themselves at home and falling asleep.
They were usually pretty good in that they were remarkably well behaved and only tried chewing cords every now and then. The thing is I was very careful to socialise them into being sensible well behaved kittens not by shouting at them or hitting them which unfortunately some people think is how you should train cats and dogs.
Maybe it works to an extent with dogs in that they learn quickly to fear doing things that result in you hitting them or shouting at them but that just means you have a dog that is terrified of you. I have always found it extremely disturbing how dogs treated like that grovel at their "Master's" slightest tone of anger. I'm not going to say anything as to the psychological profile of people like that.

Cats on the other hand while they might seem to be learning what you want them to learn will actaully hate you even if they fear you. Unlike the dog they will not come grovelling on their bellies waging their tails hoping and begging for your approval. No. Cats demand you earn their trust and will never come to someone they do not trust.

Friday 22 June 2012

Jasper wants to go back to sleep

Poor Jasper was fast asleep in the electric frying pan and I could not resist waking him up to say hello.
After plaintively complaining about being woken up Jasper briefly answered my silly question and made it clear he was going to catch a few more Zees.

World Cup Training

The kittens found a golf ball and decided to start training for the World Cup. Here is one of the kittens training for World Cup.