Saturday 29 October 2011

Whiskers on kittens. The begining

A few months ago I moved from the house I was renting at Fagali'i Uta to the old family home at Alafua which was being renovated. When I moved I brought a cat named Scratchit that had attached itself to me while I was living at Fagali'i Uta. Not long after Scratchit and I had moved in my sister Sulimoni brought her cat Ninja Cat and her newly born kittens to Alafua because they had been accused of being the source of fleas that were attacking my dad at the house in Malifa.
I had been making comments about Scratchit and a Fagali'i Uta neighbour's cat who I had dubbed Fat Cat on Facebook as well as my blog Plants and Critters and started commenting on on the kittens activities as well. Then following some comments about too much kitten news on my Facebook page I decided to set up a separate blog just for the kittens.

This then is the blog about the four kittens: Jasper, Ichigo, Dee and Tweedle, their mother; Ninja Cat and their aunty Scratchit.


  1. Talofa Vincent - thanks for the Sleepless in Samoa blog visit. Your 'walking the gauntlet in your lavalava' story made me laugh! can I ask what brought you to Samoa? I live at Alafua - well, I used to before we moved here and still call it my home.Great to connect with a blogger from a familiar place.

    1. Hi Lani,
      Sorry have not been checking my blogs lately. I know I should be working on them but it is a bit difficult since I am now in Belgium and the plants and rascally kittens who inspired the blogs are far, far away in Samoa (Spell check is telling me that I should write Kittens THAT rather than who but obviously the programmer knows nothing about cats).
      I have been trying to find a way of continuing both blogs by looking at and talking about other related things for the Flora and Fauna- Plants and Critters Blog while I have been working on a book called "Whiskers on Kittens" which is basically about my crazy manipulative kittens and other felines that I have met. I have been thinking of putting some stuff on the Whiskers on Kittens blog to tie in to the book.
      I’m glad you liked my “Walking the gauntlet in my lavalava” story. It is funny now but at the time it was rather traumatic I guess. I have lots of weird little stories about all the weird and crazy or just plain bizarre stuff that went on while growing up in Samoa and even now these things still happen.
      In response to your question, I grew up in Samoa. Actually I went to school with your cousin Michael. We even lived on the same street for a while at Motootua. Well okay it was an Alley a dead end alley to be exact. Centipede Alley that is although it also goes by the much less descriptive and totally inaccurate Sinave Road (since it is a dead end). Given my experience with centipedes I can relate to your Chilopodaphobia (not sure if that is the correct term I just made it up). They are my mortal enemies right alongside yellow jacket wasps. I was living at Alafua just before I left which is our family’s old place where we had a chicken and pig farm back in the 1980s till the early 1990s.
      I went to school at Malifa and Leifiifi Intermediate as well as Samoa College and NUS before going on to Uni overseas. Actually I think I know your Darren, I was not sure but the Darren I knew at Samoa College was a long distance runner so I think he is the same Darren.
